RIBEIRO, R. R.; MARCHIORI, M.; VILAÇA, W. Faces e interfaces que se revelam nas práticas discursivas das organizações. Revista Líbero, v. 13, n. 26, p. 63-74, dez. 2010.
This article examines the discursive practice considering
different types of discourses which emerge in organizations as a
consequence of social factors, promoting the articulation between
texts and socio-historical contexts (Fairclough, 2001). This article
presents the empirical study performed in two graphic industries,
located in different geographic spaces. As the conditions of the
discursive practice – which involve the production, distribution
and textual consumption – are unveiled, the article introduces the
discussion about how these articulations happen in practice.
Key words: organizational communication, organization, discourses.
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