Marlene Marchiori, realiza palestra na Universidade Federal do Paraná a convite dos Professores Jairo Oliveira e Regiane Ribeiro, dia 14 de setembro, discorrendo sobre o tema Comunicação Estratégica com Funcionários, no qual abordará a estratégia como prática comunicacional, conceito cunhado por Marchiori e Bulgacov.
O evento envolve colegas da academia, alunos da pós e da graduação dessa instituição e acontece no Auditório do DECOM – Departamento de Comunicação Social.
Estratégia como prática comunicacional é um conceito já publicado em periódico internacional e também no Handbook de Comunicação Estratégica. Parte-se do entendimento de que as pessoas são os mentores da estratégia e para tal, torna-se essência a experiencia comunicacional entre seres humanos para esse desenvolvimento.
Confira os artigos que discutem o tema
Strategy as a social practice and communication as social activity within organizations is a subject of great interest to managers and strategy scholars nowadays. This article concerns a study of the Itaipu Technological Park, which was faced with the challenge of enacting an intensive and strategic communicational process. It indicates some ways in which communication can disclose strategy and strategic processes, at various levels of organizational analysis. Using the case method, this empirical research advances communication and strategic practices theory by contributing an empirical case. The case reveals insights into the interactions of strategies and practices as a fundamental process for creation of meanings whose expressiveness comes from communication and language. This strategy as communicational practice can occur at various levels of organizational relationships, and we are dependent on it to construct an organizational reality. The discussion of this idea is therefore the primary contribution of this study. The key issue is that humans communicatively constitute strategy by way of interaction and social practices that involve the entire organization and its environment.
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